Thursday 8 October 2015

Preliminary Task


For my preliminary task, I made a magazine cover for the new sixth formers that began Southfield this year. My target audience for this magazine would be 16-19 year old boys and girls. The masthead for the magazine has different font sizes. The "Southfield" is written in a bigger font, so it should be the first thing that would get the attention of the audience. The masthead also includes the smaller words saying "sixth form" so the audience would be clear on the content of the magazine. All of the masthead is written in the same colour which stands out against the white background, all of this would be the first thing the reader would see. Also next to the masthead, I have put a date for the magazine.

A weakness of my magazine cover, is the fact that I haven't used capital letters at the beginning of my cover lines, which i think could have made the magazine look more formal and more powerful when being read. Also another weakness of the cover is that I have missed out an important feature of a magazine cover, the main cover line. I think I could have made the font of one of my cover lines bolder and a larger font so it would stand out more and catch the audiences eye. One positive of my cover is how the masthead is able to stand out clearly against the white background of the photograph, so it would be easy for the target audience to identify and want to read the magazine.

For my contents, I used the same colour schemes as the magazine cover. A weakness of my contents page is that it is quite simple, and might not be as encouraging for the target audience to carry on with the magazine. However, the contents page does include images from students around the school, which might motivate the readers to read the rest of the magazine, and maybe join the school sixth form.


  1. You are working hard to catch up. You might like to research the rule of thirds and other theories of composition as I think your cover image is a good idea but the subject on the right has been cropped too much!

  2. Appropriate language, images and colour scheme for target audience.

    1. As you discuss in your evaluation, it is really important to pay attention to copy; make sure you use upper and lower case letters deliberately and for effect.
