Friday 4 December 2015


For my first photo-shoot, I wanted to have a darker background so I could use the light from the street lamps as an effect. We visited a couple of locations, where I took some practise pictures for what I might want to use for the front cover as well as the double page spread. At the end of the shoot there were a couple of pictures I thought would be effective, one of them did end up to be on the front cover.
I also did another shoot with a lighter grey background. I found that I wanted my magazine's theme to be black and white, so I kept with taking pictures using that effect. I wanted the lighter pictures to show more of the models face, which compared to the darker images would have a good contrast. For the second photo-shoot, I used actors headshots as inspiration, and I wanted my model to be fully facing the camera, with nothing hiding her features.
After taking all of my pictures, I experimented with some colour filters, such as a blue effect and sepia, after doing so I found that the simple black and white ones were more effective and looked more professional. I took a couple of pictures only capturing my models eyes and half of her face because I wanted to experiment with slightly more unconventional styled pictures.
Although I really liked the pictures, after asking a few people it became clear that those type of pictures would not fit in with my genre of magazine.


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