Wednesday 11 November 2015

Magazine Questionnaire

Thinking about my magazine, I made a questionnaire to find out about what kind of features and components my target audience would want to see. I conducted 20 questions that would help to give me an idea on what I would put in my own magazine, and how I would construct it so that it would fit to the expectations of the readers.



After doing some research, the main age group I was focusing on were 15-19 year olds. However as I progressed in handing out the questionnaires, I found that the majority of the people answering my questions were 16 and 17 year olds. From the pie chart, I can see how out of the 21 people who filled
out my questionnaire, the majority were these to ages. This will now help me to focus on the kind of language, and way I will construct my magazine in order to appeal to the correct age range. 




One thing I wanted to find out from my questionnaire, is how often people would want to buy my magazine. The reason I asked this question was because I would have an idea on how much content the magazine would need, for example, if I was updating the readers on the past week, month or year. Looking at the results of this question, it became clear that 10 people out of the 21 would be interested in buying the magazine monthly. From these results, I will be able to keep in mind that in the magazine, the content will be about music that has been around, or made an impact in the past month.

Magazine Genre

Another very important question I asked in my questionnaire was: What is your favourite music genre. By asking this question, it would help me to use the results from the age question and the results from this to put together the ideal magazine. After collecting the results from this question, I can see that "pop" is the most popular genre. Amongst the 21 people who filled out the questionnaire, 18 of them fell under the ages of 16 and 17, from this I can put together that the majority od people this age like to listen and read about pop music.



The Magazine Name

The last major question I wanted to ask was about what I could call my magazine. Out of the 4 options (Tune Magazine, Ballad, Key Magazine and Root Magazine) the most popular name for the magazine was "Ballad". Since over half of the people I asked chose this name, I have decided to consider using this as my title because it was the most liked and being one word, it will stand out and look good.


 Other Questions I asked

As well as these questions that I put into pie charts, I asked more that I believed would help me to put together my magazine. One question that I thought would be important to ask was "What would you want to see on the front cover?" The reason I asked this question was so I could decide how I could construct the front cover of the magazine. The most popular answer out of the options I gave, was a celebrity. This will help me to decide what kind of picture I want to put on the front of the magazine.
One other question I asked was about the layout. I wanted to know whether people liked the conventional magazine cover or wanted to see something more unconventional and different to what most magazines are like. The most frequent answer was conventional, this will help me to design the cover in a conventional way that most people are used to.

1 comment:

  1. Good research into the requirements of your TA.

    Next Steps:
    How will the knowledge you have gained about the needs of your TA inform your planning?
