Thursday 14 April 2016

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For my preliminary task, I had to make a magazine front cover and contents page for my school. When looking back at my preliminary task and my final media product, there is a clear difference between the way the two have been created and finished. 

Looking at the front cover for my preliminary task, you can see how the models on the cover are not facing the camera, therefore the effect is not as great as the other cover because of the lack of eye contact. Another thing that is noticeable of the preliminary cover is how there are only cover lines on one side of the page, in my final product I learnt that in order to make the magazine look much more professional, and to suit the style of magazine, I would have to include more cover lines, as well as making them different sizes to show variety. One thing i learnt from my preliminary task was that I should use colours that would compliment each other, as well as making sure that they were easily visible and could be understood. The cover lines on the preliminary task are hard to read because of the colours in the photograph. From this, when I took the photographs for my final product, I wanted to use a darker background in order to make the font of the front cover to stand out and look effective.
Unlike my preliminary task cover, my final product had a picture that I had taken time and went through many pictures to decide which one I thought looked the best. After taking many pictures for my magazine cover then deciding which one was the best, I edited the picture to get rid of any imperfections in the background, so that the picture was the main thing standing out to the audience. I also learnt from my preliminary task that it would be much more effective to have all of the models facial features seen clearly. In the preliminary one of the models has had some of her face cut out from the front cover which makes it look much less professional.
One more thing I learnt during the time it took making my final product was to use a variation of font types and sizes. In the preliminary task, even though I have used different colours, and one other font size, the cover lines look very similar and it is because I had used the same font through out the whole of the front cover. Keeping this in mind, for my final product I made sure to use variation of fonts, colours and sizes to make it look much more interesting to look at,

Looking back at my contents page from the preliminary task, there is another difference from the final product. One thing i learnt about the contents page is that using a smaller font, with more cover lines would make it look more professional and better made. However, my preliminary contents page is quite similar to my final product, and this is because I wanted to capture a minimal look for them, but with the final product, I learnt that I could still put in more writing and colour and still try to capture a minimalist style.

I think that looking back on my preliminary task and comparing it to my final product, I have learnt how to use the conventions of a magazine in a way that looks more professional and much less rushed. By creating my front cover, and working with pictures that captured the whole of the models face, I had to learn how to edit and make sure pictures were perfect before I used them, unlike the way I had chosen photographs for my preliminary task. I have also learnt how to use many different softwares throughout the process of making my final product. When I made my first magazine cover, I stuck to one programme which explains why the cover looks unfinished and unprofessional. I've also learnt how to use my research into making sure that my magazine would appeal to a specific target audience and to a specific genre of music.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media Institutions?

A media institution is usually an organisation or a company that works with marketing, publishing, production and distribution of media products (e.g. magazines). Examples of a media institutions are Bauer, Disney and Time Inc. UK. On the other side of bigger institutions, there are smaller companies that are independent and will usually publish one magazine aimed for a niche audience. An example of an independent publisher is Volcano Publishing, that publish "Shindig" magazine.

Time Inc. UK

Time Inc.UK,  which was formerly known as IPC Media, is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1986 Time Inc.UK has a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies a year. The institution publish many lifestyle, entertainment, sport and music magazines. Some of the most well known music magazines that have been published by Time Inc. UK include: NME and Uncut. 

Bauer Media

Bauer media is an extension of the Bauer Media Group and is one of Europe's largest privately owned publishing group. Offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as TV and radio stations, The group is a worldwide media empire. Two extremely well known magazines that have been published by Bauer are: Kerrang and Q, two magazines that cater to mostly the musical taste of teenagers - something that my magazine also aims to do.

Volcano Publishing

Volcano Publishing is a smaller independent publisher that publishes magazines for a niche audience, such as Shindig magazine. For my magazine, a publisher group such as volcano publishing may not be the best way to distribute my magazine seeing as shindig magazine and magazines similar to this publication, is mostly aimed at men over their 20's according to the NRS.

Who would distribute my magazine?

 After researching different publishers, I have decided that Bauer Media Group would be the best media institution to distribute my magazine. As my magazine targets a large audience of 16+ and focuses on a popular mainstream branch of music Bauer would be able to distribute my magazine widely. Bauer also publishes extremely successful magazines such as 'Q' and 'Kerrang' which are very popular music types. As Bauer doesn't really publish pop magazines, I think it would be good to add my magazine into Bauer's publishing list which would widen the amount of people buying products from Bauer, therefore adding popularity to Bauer which would result in my magazine being able to be spread around wider.

Thursday 31 March 2016

How did you attract/address your audience?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of making my magazine, I used a various amount of websites and softwares to carry out research, edit images and eventually put my magazine together. With these different programmes I used, I was able to learn new techniques and overcome problems that I came across. Here is the powerpoint explaining how I used the different softwares to complete my magazine. 

Sunday 21 February 2016

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Here is the link for my presentation on how my media product represents a particular social group.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

Ideal Audience for my magazine
Before I created my magazine, I decided to conduct a questionnaire to gather as much information in order to put together a target audience. The first piece of information i acquired was that the majority of the participants in my questionnaire were the ages 16 and 17. From these people, mostly all were female and the most popular genre of music between them was pop. By looking at figures from the NRS(National Readership Survey), it shows that pop magazines, such as 'Top of the Pops' obtains a higher percentage of females, which is the same type of audience my pop magazine would be trying to target. Putting all this information together, it became clear to me that my magazine would be trying to establish a mass audience. Pop culture is a very common interest amongst teenagers and by adding content like this, it would appeal to a large amount of 16 and 17 year old teenage girls.

 The audience that my magazine will be appealing to are interested in the latest pop culture and everything that surrounds the music charts. Many of them will belong to  a group of fans who idolize a certain musician, known as "fandoms". This 'in group' of people all identify with each other as fans and all enjoy the same type of music. Many of these people will look at each other and conform to what the normal thing to do is. 

Gender:                             Female
Age:                                  17
ABC:                                 C1/DE
Occupation:                      Student/Part time Job
Disposable Income:          £100
Education:                        Sixth Form/A Levels
Nationality:                       British 

A "normal" 17 year old A level Sixth Form student who is interested in music as well as her hobbies such as photography and sports. When she spends time alone, this person will listen to mainstream pop music, but is open to finding out about new artists other may not have heard of. When she spends time with her friends, they like to go to the cinema to watch new movies or to the theater to watch live productions of well known performances. She enjoys a lot of things to do with art and creativity. She plays a few instruments and likes to paint in her spare time, when she is not doing school work. 

Likes: Good music and films, shopping,
playing instruments, spending time with friends,
CD collecting.

Dislikes: Racism, injustice, bad music
and films, people shouting in public.

Friday 19 February 2016

Sunday 24 January 2016


Pop Identities


Gender: Female
Age: 15
Location: UK
Occupation: Singer
Music Genre: Pop
Number of singles: 3
Number of albums: 1

Shey was born and raised in the heart of London with an unstoppable passion for music. By the age of 16 she had been around England in search of possible labels she could get signed to. Finally before the end of the year, she was offered a record deal that helped release her first album "Fight or Flight"

Shey's music is mostly songs that you'd find in the charts, pop with some RnB
Many of her songs are upbeat that are easy to have a good time to, however Shey has a couple of songs that are slower and more heartfelt.

She has a style than can be recognised by most teenage girls, She enjoys to wear simple clothes, but likes to glam up when she gets up on stage. Shey enjoys simple activities such as hanging out with friends, reading and most of all singing and writing music.